As the leading manufacture of stringing equipment and tools in China, we received a big order from Asian customer for construction 500KV and 220KV transmission line. The whole order include 4 sets of 18 ton hydraulic pullers, 8 sets of 8 ton hydraulic tensioners, 700 sets of 5 sheaves, 3 sheaves and single sheave stringing blocks, 30 sets of motorised winches, 20 set of drum stands, big amount of anti twisting steel wire rope, come along clamps, accessory tools. We also provide 6 sets of UAV systems for pilot wire rope stringing in mountain areas.

Hydraulic tensioner loading in container

Five sheaves 822mm diameter stringing blocks

Anti twisting steel wire rope and pilot fiber rope (Dyneema rope)

First shipment already arrive on site

Hydraulic tensioner loading in container

Five sheaves 822mm diameter stringing blocks

Anti twisting steel wire rope and pilot fiber rope (Dyneema rope)

First shipment already arrive on site